Nikon Launches High NA, Long WD, Wide FOV Objective for Neuroscience

30 Jan 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Nikon has now added the innovative CFI Apo LWD 25X objective to its unique series of low refractive index, high numerical aperture (NA) objectives for use in biological applications. Employing Nikon’s exclusive ultra Nano-crystal coat technology, the new objective features high optical performance across the widest spectral wavelength with high chromatic corrections for sharp contrast imaging. This, combined with a high NA, wide field of view and long working distance make it ideal for neuroscience imaging.

Neuroscience and other applications require a large field of view for studying samples such as brain slices and blood vessels. In addition, live specimens such as tissue demand a long working distance. A high NA is extremely important for high resolution imaging of neurons and their axons; furthermore, NAs higher than 1.0 are essential to provide a high axial resolution to go deep into the tissue. Previously, manufacturers have found it difficult to make high performance objectives that combine all these features. Now, designed and optimised specifically for neuroscience and similar applications, the Nikon CFI Apo LWD 25X not only features a wide 22mm field of view and an unrivalled working distance of 2.0 mm, but also an extremely high NA of 1.10. In addition, a 33° approach angle on the lens provides easy access for micromanipulators in electrophysiology applications. An adjustable correction ring, for both non-coverglass and coverglass observations, reduces the effects of light scattering when imaging deep into specimens.

The CFI Apo LWD 25X offers the highest optical performance and transmission efficiency for deep image capture. Nikon’s Nano-crystal coat technology virtually eliminates internal lens element reflections across a wide range of wavelengths extending from the ultraviolet to the near-infrared. Providing wide colour correction, ranging from violet (405nm) to deep IR (950nm), the new objective shows very high transmission from UV to deep IR wavelengths.

