Nonlinear Dynamics announce new versions of the Progenesis range for reproducible proteomics

20 Apr 2009
Emily Marquez-Vega
Publishing / Media

Nonlinear Dynamics Ltd, the world leading developer of analysis solutions for proteomics and biomarker discovery has launched new versions of all the products in its innovative Progenesis range.

The new releases of Progenesis LC-MS, Progenesis MALDI and Progenesis SameSpots underline Nonlinear’s commitment to remain the leader in the quest to make reproducible proteomics analysis technologies available to the scientific community.

All of the new Progenesis products were showcased at the Proteomic Forum meeting in Berlin, Germany where the leading international proteomics experts gathered to learn more about the latest technologies.

Key highlights in the latest releases include:

Progenesis LC-MS
The new Protein View step provides dynamic data displays and information to resolve instances where a peptide is associated with more than one protein as a result of a database search. Protein level statistics are calculated from the associated peptides. This gives the user increased confidence that expression changes at the peptide level can be related to the relevant protein in the biological system being studied.

Progenesis MALDI
A new solution for the analysis of MALDI-TOF and SELDI data for biomarker discovery which uses the unique Progenesis alignment approach at the core of its workflow. This allows robust statistical analysis on complete datasets as there are no missing values.

Progenesis SameSpots
Progenesis SameSpots is the only software which has been proven to facilitate reproducible proteomics. New features in this release allow the use of previous experiment information giving the potential to use protein identifications across experiments, saving time and money.

The Protein Analysis facility at the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, whose primary focus is method development in proteomics has purchased both Progenesis SameSpots and Progenesis LC-MS for their analysis. Dr. Friedrich Lottspeich, who leads this well renowned group said, “Progenesis SameSpots and its statistic tools have become indispensable in our gel based proteomics workflows.”

Dr. Lottspeich also added, “The intuitive and unbiased workflow of Progenesis LC-MS makes the labor-intense data evaluation much more efficient. The support of the mz-XML data format enables the analysis of datasets acquired on many different MS instruments, eliminating the dependency on specialized vendors’ software.”

Will Dracup, CEO, Nonlinear Dynamics commented, “These latest releases demonstrate the hard work of our dedicated team. We have spent a lot of time working with customers and key opinion leaders so we can develop the features that researchers need so our products can continue to lead this field of research. We are delighted that key groups such as Dr. Lottspeich’s facility at the MPI are recognizing this. But the hard work doesn’t stop here. We have ambitious development plans for the next 12 months and more exciting new analysis solutions for reproducible proteomics in the pipeline.”
