Novel polar endcapped stationary phase from Fortis Technologies

9 Mar 2006

Fortis Technologies Limited is supplying a novel polar endcapped stationary phase directed at difficult separations such as non-retaining polar analytes.

This phase is aiding the separation scientist in resolving compounds for which achieving a satisfactory alpha value has proven difficult when using purely hydrophobic stationary phases.

Fortis H2o provides a high-density surface area bonded under qualified conditions providing an unabridged surface coverage.

Examples of polar analytes that have been successfully analysed on Fortis H2o include catacholamines and anaesthetics. Fortis H2o unique bonded character also allows resolution from more hydrophobic analytes where a range of analyte species is present within a sample.

Fortis Technologies Limited offers a range of innovative column solutions along with extensive technical support and applications for the separation scientist.

Fortis Technologies offers exceptional performance throughout its range combined with excellent customer service and value.

