OGT Launches Pre-implantation Genetic Screening Array Aimed at Improving the Chances of Successful IVF

3 Jun 2013
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

Oxford Gene Technology (OGT), provider of innovative genetics research and biomarker solutions to advance molecular medicine, has announced the launch of a new pre-implantation genetic screening (PGS) array aimed at improving the chances of successful in-vitro fertilization (IVF).

The array detects chromosome number abnormalities (aneuploidy) across all 24 human chromosomes using DNA amplified from a single cell from an early-stage embryo. This allows selection of an embryo with a normal chromosomal content.

The number of women receiving IVF has increased steadily, however the percentage of IVF treatments resulting in viable pregnancies is still comparatively low with chromosomal aneuploidy a leading genetic cause of unsuccessful IVF. It has been reported that 75% of eggs in women over 37 and 23% of eggs in younger women are chromosomally abnormal1.

OGT’s CytoSure™ Single Cell Aneuploidy array is the first commercially available oligonucleotide aCGH product designed specifically for PGS. The array is sensitive enough to work with small amounts of amplified DNA from a single cell from an early-stage embryo. Unlike technologies such as fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), the array can detect aneuploidies across the whole genome. The array allows eight samples to be run simultaneously, which is more than existing bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) aneuploidy arrays, minimizing sample-to-sample variation by reducing technical noise.

The array is complemented by OGT’s CytoSure Interpret Software which analyses the data generated to produce simple, easy-to-use results. The ability to clearly identify aneuploidy is vital to make a confident and informed decision as to the chromosomal content of an embryo. The array has also been research-validated to investigate aneuploidies in first polar bodies, single blastomeres and trophectoderm biopsies.

Dr Mike Evans, CEO, OGT said, “With the launch of the CytoSure Single Cell Aneuploidy array we are moving into a new and valuable area both as a company and in the wider sense of seeking to improve reproductive health. The superior resolution, throughput and full chromosome coverage of our array allows improved identification of aneuploidy. We are hopeful that this new product will contribute significantly to helping potential parents maximize their chances of IVF success.”

The CytoSure™ Single Cell Aneuploidy array is available from www.ogt.com/ivf.

1. Gutie´rrez-Mateo, C., (2004) Reliability of comparative genomic hybridization to detect chromosome abnormalities in first polar bodies and metaphase II oocytes. Human Reproduction Vol.19, No.9 pp. 2118–2125

