Olympus dataWizard features both reagent and sample data capture

27 Feb 2006

OLYMPUS LIFE AND MATERIAL SCIENCE EUROPA GMBH ??Diagnostics, today announced the launch of a new advanced data management system for pathology laboratories in March.

Olympus dataWizard offers the latest features, including comprehensive audit tracking, and can be installed for single and multi-site use.

Olympus dataWizard has been specifically designed for use with Olympus AU clinical chemistry analysers, the new AU3000i immunochemistry analyser and the OLA2500 pre-analytical automation system. Already the instruments of choice for ??ega??laboratories, the Olympus systems are able to reach new levels of throughput when workflow is optimised by the new software. Another outstanding advantage is not only the connectability of 3rd party analysers but also any other analytical workplace instrumentation. The software allows for retesting depending on initial results. Final results are fed into the existing LIMS system.

Furthermore, Olympus dataWizard meets all the requirements for comprehensive audit trail creation. In addition to sample distribution and processing data, the software also captures reagent information. Every lot and bottle number is stored with every result issued by an Olympus AU system. Another tier of traceability is added by linking and storing the previous and following QC result for the specific parameter. Olympus dataWizard also logs every interaction with each request, sample and results based on the user log-in and the analytical system interface. Finally, dataWizard enables users to perform ??eal-time QC??by incorporating an Average of Normals (AoN) function. Each assay can be monitored for drift and shift incidents and operators alerted if an assay starts to under-perform between QC points.

According to Dr Harm Vitzthum, Olympus Life and Material Science Europa GmbH: ??he launch of the dataWizard data management system reflects our commitment to help customers get even better performance out of their Olympus installations. We have optimised dataWizard to work both with our own instrumentation and existing LIMS systems. Olympus dataWizard represents the first of a suite of management systems which are currently under development.?

