On-demand webinar: 3D cell culture - meet the expert

Explore automation and miniaturization of organoid assays for drug screening with an expert-led presentation

23 May 2023
Jemima Arnold
Editorial Assistant

In this UPM Biomedical webinar, which will be available on-demand shortly after the webinar airs on May 31, 2023, you will be introduced to how organoid screens are being used for different disease systems.

Over the last few years, drug screens with organoids have gained popularity due to their improved physiological relevance, which is expected to reduce the number and size of in vivo studies that are required to confirm in vitro results. Currently, most organoid screens are being performed in the range of hundreds to a few thousand compounds per screen. From a technical perspective, setting up high-throughput screens with organoids is still a challenge. On the one hand, this is due to the availability of sufficient organoids, but on the other hand is also because of the reagents that are traditionally used. As a technology platform of the ETH Zürich, NEXUS has performed several successful organoid screens for different disease systems over the last couple of years. During these screens researchers at NEXUS observed that animal-derived hydrogels are a consistent source of variation and additionally complicate the automation of screening assays. To improve throughput and remove potential sources of variation in NEXUS' organoid screens, screening conditions were optimized using organoid models for Hepatocellular Carcinoma with UPM Biomedicals’ GrowDex and GrowDex-T.

In this webinar, Dr Tijmen Booij, Group leader of Screening & Lab Automation at NEXUS Personalized Health Technologies shares the successful adaptation of their organoid screening methodology for these HCC organoid lines and addresses how they expect a similar conversion will be possible for many other organoid types.

Read more and register for the webinar here

