One Size Does Not Always Fit All. Bespoke LC/MS Nitrogen Generators Facilitate Better Analysis

28 Aug 2008
Amanda Atkinson
Marketing / Sales

Modern LC/MS instruments use high flows of nitrogen for nebulisation and drying in the interface. However, the gas demands of different interfaces vary extensively depending on design, with some instruments even employing multiple gases. One standard gas supply therefore may not necessarily meet all the demands of the instrument.

Parker domnick hunter however offers the widest range of LC/MS nitrogen generators which most effectively and efficiently match instruments’ gas requirements. Bespoke models, supplying multiple gases, have been fully researched, designed and developed specifically for use with Agilent, Varian, Bruker and now Applied Biosystems LC/MS instruments to offer optimum performance to the laboratory user.

The AB4000TGS and AB5000TGS models have been recently designed in close collaboration with Applied Biosystems to provide the three gas supplies required for their API range of instruments from a compact, low noise and low vibration unit. The LCMS6410 also represents the first all-in-one gas solution for Agilent's 6410 triple quadrupole and 6510 Q-TOF LC/MS instruments.

All Parker domnick hunter nitrogen generators employ robust and totally regenerative carbon molecular sieve technology to guarantee optimum performance, durability and lifetime cost effectiveness. A range of tailored, preventative maintenance contracts are also available via a dedicated global aftermarket network which, in turn, offers complete peace of mind.

