Online Sample Preparation and analytical QC

26 May 2008
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

Quality control is not only an issue at the end of the production step, but is also used for monitoring of the entire process itself, offering the possibility of optimising the process. For “full-monitoring” quick and efficient sample preparation linked to analytical measurement (GC, HPLC; TLC, LC/MS, etc.) is required.

Zinsser Analytic offers a robotic workbench CALLI QC linking sample preparation to analytical measurement. The samples are placed on the instrument, when they arrive from production and can be introduced continuously. On the platform the samples are prepared for the analytical measurement according to the users requirements: samples are weighed, diluted, heated, vortexed, filtered, etc. before they are transferred to the analyser (GC, HPLC; TLC, LC/MS, etc.). A vast range of modules is available for the sample preparation process, e.g. handling of liquids, powders and viscous media, pH-adjustment. Barcode control ensures the tracking of the individual samples throughout the entire process.

CALLI QC provides a walk-away system for the chemists.

