Optimal Quality Pure Water with the New Elix® Gulfstream System

11 Nov 2011
Roger Wayman
Administrator / Office Personnel

EMD Millipore has introduced the Elix Gulfstream Water Purification System a compact, all-in-one solution to meet your pure water needs and produce up to 2000 L per day.

Compact, all-in-one design gives a small system footprint with everything for operation pre-installed. Pressurized water for use with a benchtop faucet or lab equipment (glassware washer, weatherometer, automated culture media equipment, etc.); gravity feed to a Milli-Q® ultrapure water system. Additional pretreatment and polishing cartridges can be added to match your feed water or product water quality needs.
The system is set on wheels so can be moved easily from one place to another in your lab to accommodate floor cleaning or other lab maintenance.

There is no need to frequently buy and change DI resin cartridges or cylinders thus reducing costs. Elix electrodeionization technology and an improved reverse osmosis process reduce costs even further.

