Optimizing Electroporation Experimentation

11 Dec 2007

Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., a multinational manufacturer and distributor of life science research and clinical diagnostic products, today announced the availability of a new product guide (bulletin 5603), that describes how researchers can optimize transfections in mammalian cells using Bio-Rad’s new Gene Pulser® MXcell™ electroporation system and Gene Pulser electroporation buffer.

The four-page bulletin demonstrates how varying multiple parameters affect delivery of either siRNA or plasmid DNA into human primary fibroblasts (HPF) cells. Results of the experiments clearly demonstrate increased transfection efficiency as measured by real time Q-PCR of specific gene knockdowns or increased protein expression by luciferase assays. While many parameters can affect electroporation, with the Gene Pulser MXcell system optimization of such parameters can be accomplished in a multiplexed manner easily and rapidly in a single experiment.

Bulletin 5603 is available either from a local Bio-Rad sales office or it may be downloaded from the Bio-Rad web site via the article webpage. For more information on optimization of electroporation parameters and conditions see Bio-Rad’s technical note 5622, which can be downloaded online.

