ORGENTEC Releases Autoimmunity Smartphone App

30 Nov 2011
Sonia Nicholas
Managing Editor and Clinical Lead

ORGENTEC has announced that its Autoimmunity Guide is now available for download from the Apple iTunes App Store and the Android Market. Using this app, scientists can call up information about autoimmune diseases easily and comfortably from a smartphone or tablet.

The ORGENTEC Autoimmunity Guide allows the user to research the symptoms of autoimmune diseases, look up medical terminology from the fields of autoimmunity and immunology, and quickly and efficiently obtain an overview of the relevant autoantibody tests. Comprehensive information can be accessed quickly and easily, without extensive internet searches.

The user can also access links to videos and training films that demonstrate the correct use of ELISA and immunoblot test systems, as well as the rheumachec® rapid test. Comprehensive contact information allows the user to send questions to the GRÜNER CLUB AUTOIMMUN community or experts at ORGENTEC directly from within the app. Other features include access to the ORGENTEC Autoimmunity Blog, and the ability to search for relevant ORGENTEC products.

The app is compatible with the iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad, as well as with smartphones and tablets that use the Android operating system. The ORGENTEC Autoimmunity Guide is in English, its download and installation are free of charge.

