Otsuka Chooses ClinPhone’s Innovative Integration Solution

8 May 2006
Kerry Parker

ClinPhone, the global leader in clinical technology solutions, announced today that its Clinical Trial Management Software (CTMS) Integration solution has successfully supported 12 projects for Otsuka Maryland Research Institute, Inc. (Otsuka). ClinPhone’s CTMS Integration enables separate clinical systems to work together synergistically, helping pharmaceutical sponsors to improve and streamline the entire clinical trial process.

Traditionally, tracking and evaluating the progress of ongoing clinical trials is a very time-consuming and labor-intensive activity, requiring sponsor personnel to manually input, gather, and evaluate individual study information from separate repositories. In contrast, ClinPhone’s CTMS Integration facilitates real-time data exchange between its Interactive Voice and Web Response (IVR and IWR) systems and Otsuka’s CTMS. It allows automated integration of vital study data including patient enrollment, dispensation, withdrawal and drug shipment milestones.

ClinPhone’s integration solution has yielded several important benefits. It has helped Otsuka save valuable time and resources in the day-to-day study management by eliminating the need for re-keying data and discrepancy resolution. Consequently, Otsuka has enjoyed the benefits of simplified, streamlined workflows. Most importantly, the ability to aggregate accurate data in a timely manner means that management decisions are based on the best information available.

Tarlouh Gasque, Senior Director of Informatics at Otsuka Maryland Research Institute, Inc., explains: “Data integration is extremely beneficial if it is done correctly. One of the key ingredients for successful implementation is to work with an experienced provider like ClinPhone whose solution has already been tested successfully and is well established in the marketplace, thus minimizing risks. ClinPhone has been very efficient and responsive, ensuring a smooth integration implementation and supporting Otsuka in its efforts to work leaner and smarter by tapping into the benefits of leading-edge technology.”

Steve Kent, CEO at ClinPhone, comments: “Innovative and technology-savvy pharmaceutical sponsors are looking to leading clinical technology vendors like ClinPhone to help them implement systems and information integration. Otsuka has recognized the benefits and as a result, has decided to go back to live studies launched prior to the integration and implement this solution.”

For further information on ClinPhone’s clinical trial management solutions, please visit, or alternatively email

