Pall Corporation Expands Next Generation AcroPrep™ Advance Filter Plate Portfolio

20 Jun 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Pall Corporation has expanded its next generation 96-well filter plate portfolio to include additional membrane options and larger well volumes. These new membrane options and larger wells achieve maximize performance in diagnostic and life sciences research applications.

In addition to the plates for multiplexing and neonatal screening applications released earlier this year, the portfolio now includes plates that have been optimized for applications such as protein fractionation, lysate clarification and DNA binding.

New plates provide superior performance advantages, such as improved target recovery in nucleic acid applications and more effective processing of particulate-laden samples. The comprehensive offering of Pall’s AcroPrep Advance filter plate line addresses stringent sample preparation requirements while lowering the expenses associated with sample loss and contamination in a broad range of diagnostic and life sciences applications. Redesigned membrane sealing technology maximizes sample recovery and ensures even filtration rates well-to-well. The optimized outlet tip design reduces weeping during incubations facilitating high assay reproducibility, while the biologically inert housing of the plates ensures low non-specific binding of target analytes while maximizing sample recovery.

The combination of optimized membrane configurations and a new well design offers improved filtration rates, throughput and sample recovery. Each of these factors provides researchers with confidence that the new AcroPrep Advance plates will address many of the common problems observed with filter plate usage. In addition, the AcroPrep Advance filter plates meet SBS/ANSI guidelines allowing for easy processing in manual, semi-automated and automated modes.

