Pall Life Sciences Reveals Unique High Quality Syringe Filters

17 Feb 2014
Lois Manton-O'Byrne, PhD
Executive Editor

Pall Life Sciences, industry leader in filtration, separation and purification, is celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Acrodisc® syringe filter. This ground-breaking filter was developed in the late 1960’s and trademarked in 1974. Through continuous innovation since then, Pall has introduced a unique variety of high quality syringe filters to help customers meet their demanding and ever increasing test requirements. Notably, these include the PSF filter, GHP membrane and recently, the 13 mm Acrodisc MS certified syringe filter.

The LCMS (Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry) syringe filter from Pall is the first filter certified for low extractables in high performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LCMS) applications. The 13 mm Acrodisc MS syringe filter supports analytical customers performing HPLC or UHPLC applications. By minimizing the risk of ion suppression/enhancement, and designed specifically for small sample analysis using LCMS, results are reliable and accurate, performance is enhanced, testing instrumentation longevity is extended and the need for retesting is reduced.

Recently, Pall Life Sciences launched the new 1K Centrifugal Device as part of both the Macrosep® Advance and Microsep™ Advance families of products. Centrifugal devices accelerate sample processing, and maximize sample recovery. The new 1K spin devices extend the wide range of molecular weight cut-off options available to reliably concentrate, separate and desalt nucleic acids and protein samples with recoveries above 90%. Together with Pall’s high throughput filter plates, available in 96 and 384-well formats, customers have a more complete offering to meet sample prep needs across a wide range of research and practical applications. These Pall devices help support automation of the filtration process, so that it can be completed in-batch or in-process via automation.

For over 60 years, as a leader in the industry, Pall has been providing solutions to meet the critical fluid management needs of life sciences customers. Today, Pall continues to provide both the technical expertise and high quality manufactured products that remain on the forefront in achieving high level filtration, purification and separation of various molecules in a wide range of scientific applications. Join Pall at Pittcon, booth #2842 to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Acrodisc syringe filter and learn more about its leading products.

Visit Pall Life Sciences to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Acrodisc® syringe filter. Discover a unique variety of high quality syringe filters including PSF filter, GHP membrane and more recently, the 13 mm Acrodisc MS certified syringe filter.

