Pall Partners with BioFactory Competence Center to Launch Practical Continuous Bioprocessing Courses

Plans in pipeline to build a dedicated continuous bioprocessing facility in Fribourg, Switzerland, featuring Pall Life Sciences’ Cadence platform technologies

13 Nov 2017
Rebecca Ward
Administrator / Office Personnel

Pall Corporation, a global leader in filtration, purification and separation is pleased to partner with the BioFactory Competence Center (BCC) in Fribourg, Switzerland to launch new training courses in early 2018 focused on continuous bioprocessing advances. The courses will detail the state of the industry and the advantages and practical implications of transitioning from batch to semi- or fully-continuous bioprocess methodologies. Pall Life Sciences’ CadenceTM platform technologies will be featured for hands-on training. Registration for standard sessions will be available through the BCC beginning in December and custom sessions are available upon request.

“The BCC launched in January 2016 to deliver theoretical and practical biopharmaceutical industry training on everything from basic aseptic techniques to more detailed applications focused training from upstream to downstream processing, covering cell culture, cell separation, chromatography and concentration, comparing single-use vs. traditional approaches,” stated Ian Marison, CEO and co-founder of the BCC. “As industry interest grows in the advantages of continuous bioprocessing, we felt it necessary to introduce specialized training for successfully navigating this next-generation of drug making.”

The upcoming courses will highlight key advantages of integrated continuous bioprocessing, and how best to leverage semi- or fully- continuous manufacturing technologies based on current resources and future goals. The practical sessions will feature Pall Life Sciences’ process development scale technologies, including the Cadence Acoustic Separator for continuous clarification and separation, the Cadence BioSMB PD system for multi-column chromatography, and the Cadence Inline Concentrator for continuous concentration at various process steps.

“As drug manufacturers look to shift from batch to continuous processing for both small and large molecule drugs, information-sharing and continued education have become key drivers of advancement,” said Peter Levison, Senior Marketing Director of Downstream Processing at Pall Corporation. “These unique training courses have been designed around real-life situations, with hands-on access to enabling technologies, and we are proud to support them.”

In addition to the new courses, plans exist to build a dedicated continuous bioprocessing facility in Fribourg for education on, and application of continuous bioprocessing technologies. The facility will also feature Pall Cadence platform technologies.

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