Paraytec awarded major prize for new product innovation

21 Feb 2007

UK-based scientific instrument company, Paraytec, has been awarded a major prize for new product innovation. Paraytec's ActiPix detection instrument was judged the best innovative new product with high growth potential developed by a company in Yorkshire, UK. The prize was announced at the recent Venturefest Yorkshire awards dinner, where Paraytec was presented with the GSPK New Product Award and a prize package of £20,000.

The ActiPix D100 imaging detector is a novel scientific instrument developed for use in analytical and life sciences applications. It is the first product to incorporate Paraytec's ground breaking detection technology - a patented miniaturised analytical detection system for liquid samples which offers significant advantages over existing analytical techniques.

Carolyn Parkinson, Paraytec CEO, said "We are absolutely thrilled that the ActiPix detector has been recognised by this prestigious award. We are so proud to have developed this globally significant technology right here in Yorkshire. Throughout the development of the ActiPix, from prototype to production versions, we have benefited greatly from the excellent, high-tech development and manufacturing providers in the region."

The ActiPix D100 uses capillaries the width of a human hair to carry tiny liquid samples through a beam of UV light, then captures and processes the images using an Active Pixel Sensor similar to the technology used in digital cameras and mobile phones. The detector allows scientists to "see" a complex reaction taking place in real time and to quantify the components. It provides very high sensitivity, and requires 1000 times less sample than existing techniques, making it ideal for high value samples such as biopharmaceuticals.

The award reflects the considerable interest the product is creating internationally. The product, to be officially launched later this month at Pittcon 2007 in Chicago, USA, is currently in early stage sales to customers in the UK, USA and Europe.

Paraytec's unique technology arose from academic research undertaken by analytical scientist Professor David Goodall, who led the spin-out of the company from the University of York in 2005. For further information please contact Paraytec Ltd.

