Peak Scientific to Unveil Latest Product Innovation Exclusively at ASMS
17 May 2018
Be sure to visit Peak Scientific at Booth 501 to discover their latest gas generation innovation. Peak will be showcasing an exciting new product at their booth where they will have experts available to answer all of your gas generation questions.
The gas generator manufacturer has been eagerly preparing for this product launch which comes just two months after the company launched Solaris XE, a compact nitrogen generator capable of meeting the nitrogen requirements of LC-MS, Compact MS and multiple ELSD instruments.
The Solaris XE was not the first addition to Peak Scientific’s XE range. At the 65th ASMS Conference in 2017, Peak introduced the Infinity XE 50 Series, a range of versatile nitrogen generators designed to cater for numerous applications across a typical laboratory, such as LC-MS, ELSD, Sample Evaporation, NMR, FTMS and gloveboxes, all from a single source.
The company, which prides itself on being restless and constantly striving to improve, has certainly been living up to its reputation with these product innovations. All that remains to be seen is what their latest introduction to the market will be.
To celebrate the launch of their highly anticipated new product, Peak Scientific are extending an invitation to all ASMS delegates to join them at their hospitality suite in room 204A of the Hilton San Diego Bayfront, 8-11pm Monday through Wednesday where anyone who performs a yoyo trick using a Peak yoyo provided in the hospitality suite will receive a free drink and a chance to win an ipad.
Do you use gas generators from Peak Scientific in your lab? Write a review today for your chance to win a $400 amazon voucher.