PerkinElmer adds HPLC columns to consumables portfolio

12 Mar 2021
Edward Carter
Publishing / Media

PerkinElmer has announced that it has added state-of-the-art columns and chemistries to its LC consumables portfolio by acquiring ES Industries, based in West Berlin, New Jersey in the U.S.

ES Industries is known for its innovative and highly efficient HPLC and supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC) column chemistries. The team has over 40 years of experience delivering columns with superior reliability, scalability, and reproducibility that are used routinely for method development processes, LC/MS analysis, quality control, and preparative purification.

Building on PerkinElmer’s recently announced LC 300TM HPLC/UHPLC and SimplicityChromTM CDS solution, along with its world-class reagents and OneSource® laboratory services, the addition of these column technologies brings customers, such as those in pharmaceuticals/biopharmaceuticals, chemicals, food safety, and environmental industries, the convenience of a single buying channel for their full-LC workflow needs, along with better and faster analyses.

Commenting on the new addition to the PerkinElmer LC line-up, Suneet Chadha, VP and GM of Applied Markets, PerkinElmer said, “We know that labs are looking to streamline and simplify their LC analyses and maximize productivity while also meeting ever-increasing quality and regulatory demands. By augmenting our portfolio with HPLC columns technology, expertise, and manufacturing capabilities, we can now innovate faster and provide complete end-to-end workflow solutions. We are excited that these offerings will shorten the time from sample to result for our customers and help deliver enhanced lab performance.”

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