PerkinElmer Introduces New HPLC Solution For Environmental and Food Analysis Laboratories

24 Oct 2007
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

PerkinElmer Life and Analytical Sciences has announced a new preconfigured system for the analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), organic pollutants widely distributed in the environment that can be carcinogenic at certain levels. The PAH Analyzer provides laboratories conducting High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) analyses for environmental and food testing with a complete system to expedite ramp up and increase uptime for challenging PAH sample analyses that require specific regulated methods. The PAH Analyzer will support contract laboratories in the environmental and food safety sectors, along with government and academic laboratories.

“Many labs, including independent testing labs, asked for a solution that can meet their diverse, challenging analyses, ranging from analysis of air, well and wastewater contamination to analysis of pesticides in food,” said Eric Ziegler, Vice President of the Chromatography business at PerkinElmer Life and Analytical Sciences. “The PAH Analyzer is the first in a series of application-focused turnkey solutions designed to meet the scientific needs of laboratories conducting HPLC analyses,” he added.

PAH analysis in soil, water and food is one of the most important assays to evaluate the degree of contamination and quality of a product, Ziegler noted. He explained that the turnkey system guides the user through each step of the analysis and includes an application guidebook based on PerkinElmer’s deep expertise and applications know-how to help quickly ramp up and increase throughput.

“Environmental and food safety concerns are a global issue and our customers are faced with increased pressure to maximize productivity and comply with regulatory standards,” Ziegler said. “The PAH Analyzer takes the method development and optimization burden away by guiding the user every step of the way, allowing customers to focus more time on additional critical aspects of their business.”

The turnkey system includes everything to run the application, with the correct configuration of HPLC instrumentation, data-handling software, standards, columns and application guidebook for the required methods.

