PerkinElmer Introduces Two Biodiesel Platforms to Ensure Fuel Quality and Global Regulatory Compliance

4 Mar 2008

PerkinElmer Life and Analytical Sciences, a global leader in application-focused measurement and analysis solutions, today introduced two new biodiesel platforms at PITTCON® 2008, Booth #2555. The PerkinElmer EcoAnalytix™ Biodiesel Application Platforms are designed to help biodiesel manufacturers ensure the quality of their fuel and meet regulatory compliance for both ASTM and EN standards. The platforms are part of PerkinElmer’s EcoAnalytix initiative, a collaborative problem-solving initiative that creates application-based solutions to improve business ecosystems while supporting local, regional and global initiatives that contribute to a healthier worldwide ecosystem.

“As energy manufacturers around the world explore and commit to using more biodiesel, it is critically important to ensure that the promise of cost-effective, high quality biodiesel can be realized,” said Alessandra Rasmussen, Director of EcoAnalytix and Strategic Programs, PerkinElmer Life and Analytical Sciences. “Our goal is to provide biodiesel development laboratories with all of the necessary tools they need to get up and running quickly and to ensure the quality of their fuel throughout each stage of production. These platforms help manufacturers confirm that their renewable fuels burn clean, meet regulatory requirements and protect expensive engine components from damage.”

The platforms include the EcoAnalytix Glycerin & Methanol Analyzer for the analysis of free and total glycerin and residual alcohol in biodiesel, the EcoAnalytix Trace Metals Biodiesel Analyzer based on the Optima™ 7000 ICP-Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES) for testing Group I and Group II metals and phosphorus, and EcoAnalytix FAME Biodiesel Analyzer (for ASTM only) based on the Spectrum™ 100 FT-IR System for analyzing the properties of biodiesel fuel that are determined by structure of its fatty acid methyl esters.

The EcoAnalytix Glycerin & Methanol Analyzer for the analysis of free and total glycerin and residual alcohol features the Clarus® 500 Gas Chromatograph (GC) with an innovative dual oven design for the analysis of both free and total glycerin and residual alcohol. The oven design allows laboratories to complete both GC analyses on a single instrument without the need to modify hardware setup; previously two GC instruments or modifications to hardware setup were necessary. “The dual oven increases the manufacturer’s productivity by allowing them to conduct two types of analysis in one instrument,” Rasmussen said.

The platforms also include PerkinElmer’s LABWORKS™ Green, a pre-configured software application specifically for the biodiesel industry, application notes, methods standard operating procedures (SOPS) and on-site training.

“Our goal is to provide analysis tools that are easy to use and ensure high quality results, regardless of whether or not the user has a scientific background,” Rasmussen said. “Our analyzer approach provides step-by-step instructions and training to ensure fast ramp-up. This approach ensures higher accuracy and faster time-to-market.”

For more information on PerkinElmer’s biodiesel platforms, visit the article webpage.

