PerkinElmer Launches Innovative Gas Chromatography Line

29 Aug 2006
David Wechler

PerkinElmer, Inc., a global leader in Health Sciences and Photonics, has introduced the Clarus® 600 series Gas Chromatograph (GC) and Gas Chromatograph/Mass Spectrometers (GC/MS), which offer a new level of productivity and efficiency for a wide range of GC and GC/MS applications.

Powered by a patent-pending oven design, the Clarus 600 GC delivers the fastest combined heat-up and cool-down rates for a conventional gas chromatograph on the market. This latest innovation in gas chromatography enables laboratories to reduce analytical cycle times, improve sample throughput, and ultimately increase their return on investment. The Clarus 600 series addresses the needs of the full spectrum of GC and GC/MS users, including environmental contract, forensics, petrochemical and chemical quality-control (QC) laboratories.

"While the GC market spans a variety of industries and applications, all share the need for faster analytical cycle times," said Robert F. Friel, president of PerkinElmer Life and Analytical Sciences. "The redesigned oven in the Clarus 600 GC minimizes injection-to-injection time, enabling any lab to shorten its cycle times without modifying methods or compromising results."

The new oven can cool from 450 to 50 ºC in approximately two minutes, compared with other conventional GC ovens that require four to six minutes. By significantly accelerating the cool-down time, customers can dramatically increase the number of samples analyzed per day in their labs. This improved cooling capability also enables the chromatographic separation of very volatile compounds at temperatures lower than those practical on other commercially available systems today, providing broader analytical capability.

"In today's economy, improving efficiency and maximizing productivity are keys to success. We recognize that our customers face these same challenges to be successful. Our ability to combine this fast, new oven performance with additional benefits such as Programmable Pneumatic Control (PPC), which automates labor-intensive and complex steps, allows us to provide an innovative solution to meet these challenges. This is consistent with our overall strategy of providing 'best-in-class' product offerings to meet customer needs for both GC and GC/MS," Friel noted.

Clarus 600 GC

The Clarus 600 GC features a redesign of the conventional GC oven and when coupled to four other products in the PerkinElmer GC product line - the TurboMatrix™ Headspace/Headspace Trap Samplers, the TurboMatrix Thermal Desorbers, the Clarus 600 Mass Spectrometer and TotalChrom® 6.3.1 data handling - ensures a complete, integrated and tested system that is supported and serviced from one trusted vendor.

Clarus 600 GC/MS

The Clarus 600 GC/MS not only includes best-in-class oven performance and state-of-the-art electronics, but now offers a choice of three different pumps to meet the diverse performance demands and budget requirements of a range of laboratories. Improvements also include a compact footprint to maximize laboratory bench space, the PreVent suite of column flow controls for increased uptime and productivity, and industry-leading sensitivity for both electronic ionization (EI) and chemical ionization (CI).

Featured at Upcoming Trade Shows

The Clarus 600 GC and GC/MS series will be among the PerkinElmer products on display at upcoming trade shows including: National Environmental Monitoring Conference (NEMC), Aug. 28-31, 2006, Washington D.C.; JAIMA, Aug. 30-Sept. 1, 2006, Chiba, Japan; AnalyticaChina, Sept. 19-21, 2006, Shanghai, China; ScanLab 2006, Sept. 26-28, 2006, Copenhagen, Denmark; HET Instrument, Oct. 30-Nov. 3, 2006, Utrecht, Netherlands; and Analytica-Anacon, Nov. 16-18, 2006, Bangalore, India.

For more information on the Clarus 600 GC visit

For more information on the Clarus 600 GC/MS visit

