PerkinElmer Launches Innovative Live Cell Imaging Solution

5 Nov 2007

PerkinElmer, Inc., a global leader in Health Sciences, has introduced a next generation live cell imaging solution with its new UltraVIEW® VoX system at The Society for Neuroscience's 37th annual meeting in San Diego, California.

Since PerkinElmer's acquisition earlier this year of Improvision Ltd., a leading provider of cellular imaging software and integrated hardware solutions, the Company has benefited from integrating product teams and expertise to deliver a premier live cell imaging and analysis technology to researchers in neurobiology, cancer biology, and developmental biology. Customers are now able to receive a full package of system advances in a single imaging system.

"Scientists have asked for and are receiving a highly modular solution that can be customized for labs depending upon their applications. Importantly, this new system is easy to upgrade as the scope of the research evolves," said Dr. Richard Eglen, Vice President and General Manager, Cellular Imaging and Analysis, PerkinElmer Life and Analytical Sciences. "The system's high-quality images and outstanding three-dimensional (3D) analysis capabilities save our customers time, and the ease-of-use lets them integrate images directly from the camera to analysis and for presentations."

Three-dimensional live cell imaging is the fastest-growing market segment for confocal microscopy. The UltraVIEW VoX is a complete 3D live cell imaging solution, incorporating the latest developments in spinning disk technology, which allows scientists to acquire images, along with market-leading software to visualize, measure, track, chart and publish exceptional 4D multi-channel images. These benefits help researchers meet the constant demand for increased imaging and analysis capability.

Research scientists who work with live cells have successfully used earlier models of UltraVIEW confocal imaging technology. However, with technological developments, product improvements are now available with the highly configurable UltraVIEW VoX system.

Addressing a Checklist of Customer Needs Customers are now able to receive a full package of system advancements in a single confocal imaging solution:

  • CSU-X1 spinning disk head - The latest technology from Yokogawa® with scan speed of up to 10,000 rpm, captures exceptional quality images, while causing little cell damage due to the low phototoxicity of the system.
  • Modular solid-state lasers combiner - Up to six solid-state lasers with a wide range of wavelengths can be included in the unit, with the ability to start with one and build up to six
    as the science progresses.
  • Integrated Volocity® software - This high-performance, high-throughput 3D and 4D imaging software solution allows scientists to capture, visualize and analyze images of dynamic cell-based processes in a single environment.
  • Support desk - Laboratory researchers are able to contact PerkinElmer for a full range of support, from day-to-day application questions to troubleshooting system problems, should they arise.
  • Add-on FRAP PhotoKinesis™ unit - With many life scientists using FRAP (fluorescence recovery after photobleaching) to study the mobility of molecules in cells, they can use this powerful tool to rapidly acquire images, analyze data, display data in chart form, and calculate equations using a seamless workflow through the user-friendly Volocity interface.

For more information about PerkinElmer's new product launch at Neuroscience 2007, visit the article webpage.

