Phenomenex Announces Redesigned Product Guide for 2008/2009

14 Jan 2008
Kerry Parker

Phenomenex Inc., a global leader in the manufacture of separation science consumables, announced today the publication of its new Product Guide for 2008/2009. The 400-page guide has been redesigned with new navigation features to help users find products for their specific applications. Industry-related icons are included throughout the guide to identify the best-suited products. An introduction page for each industry also indexes specific solutions.

The industry map includes categories for pharmaceutical, life sciences, food and beverage, toxicology, environmental, petrochemical and alternative fuel, natural products, and laboratory accessories. Phenomenex also incorporates this industry guide on its new web site, where customers can find an extensive library of application information.

The 2008/2009 product guide is available in three versions with local pricing - U.S. dollars, British pounds, & Euros - and a general international version. Phenomenex has also produced accompanying
industry guides in multiple languages to serve customers throughout the world.

"We are pleased to provide this new tool that makes it easy for customers to find solutions, no matter what the application," commented Karen Brauneck, corporate communications manager for
Phenomenex. "The industry symbols will quickly guide users through the offerings to help them make the best selection and find application information."

