Phenomenex Expands Selectivity of Kinetex® Core-Shell Line with New Biphenyl Columns

6 Mar 2014
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

Phenomenex Inc., a global leader in the research and manufacture of advanced technologies for the separation sciences, announces new Kinetex Core-Shell Biphenyl HPLC/UHPLC columns, giving researchers the ideal orthogonal selectivity to traditional C18 phases. This new phase is excellent for a broad range of complex-mixture analyses in clinical research and forensic toxicology, food and environmental testing, and pharmaceutical, bioanalytical, and DMPK studies.

Kinetex Biphenyl columns deliver all the benefits inherent with Phenomenex’s Core-Shell Technology including better resolution, higher efficiency, sharper peaks, and greater sensitivity than traditional HPLC/UHPLC media. In addition to 100 percent aqueous stability and enhanced polar basic selectivity, the Kinetex 2.6 µm Biphenyl offers the greatest versatility for HPLC/UHPLC methods while the Kinetex 5 µm Biphenyl offers excellent HPLC performance at extremely low backpressures.

Orthogonal selectivity

“Analysts often attempt to expand the use of the traditional C18 columns with numerous additives and running condition alterations that can take a good amount of time to dial in correctly,” explains Simon Lomas, brand manager for Phenomenex. “Now they can supplement and transform reversed phase work with the orthogonal selectivity and performance that the Kinetex Biphenyl provides.”

Kinetex Biphenyl is initially available in 2.6µm and 5µm with a 1.7µm option expected next.

