Phenomenex Introduces Onyx™ 3mm ID Monolithic HPLC Columns

28 Nov 2006

Phenomenex Inc., Torrance, USA introduces Onyx C18 100 x 3.0mm, the newest addition to their portfolio of monolithic silica HPLC columns. Onyx silica monolithic columns provide an excellent solution for applications where high throughput is essential.

The improved flow characteristics and high efficiency of Onyx allows high flow rates at low backpressures, resulting in dramatically reduced run times. The needs for slower flow rates & less solvent usage, but the ability to maintain high throughput, have led to the development of Onyx 3mm ID silica monolithic columns. The performance of the new Onyx 3mm ID C18 column is on par with that of the 4.6 mm ID column, however the narrower ID format enables the use of lower flow rates to get similar results to the 4.6mm while using less solvent. Due to the fact that methods using 3mm ID columns use less solvent it is much easier to couple the column to most mass spectrophotometers without requiring a post column split. The 3mm ID Onyx column makes it more convenient for scientists to adapt current particle-based methods onto Onyx silica monoliths, taking advantage of the increase in throughput & low backpressures that monoliths provide.

