Pittcon 2017 Attracts More Than 700 Exhibiting Companies

20 Feb 2017
Mia Harley

The Pittcon 2017 Exposition takes place March 5-9 at McCormick Place in Chicago, Illinois and includes 770 exhibitors (count as of February 9, 2017) of which 122 are first time exhibitors. Leading companies will be displaying products and services used by the scientific community in industrial, academic, and government labs. The Exposition will offer the latest innovations in areas such as, but not limited to, analytical chemistry; drug discovery; nanotechnology; life sciences to include forensics, genomics, proteomics, metabolomics; food analysis and safety; environmental science; energy and fuel; and air, water and wastewater analysis.

The global exhibition will consist of 208 (approximately 27%) exhibiting companies headquartered in 29 countries outside of the United States such as the China, Canada, Germany, Japan and the United Kingdom. The 410,540 square foot (total footage) exposition floor will include nearly 1400 booths, 24 seminar rooms (counts as of February 9), restaurants and more.

New Initiatives on the 2017 Expo Floor

Magnificent Mile, located in the middle of the exposition floor, will occupy 27,600 square feet. In addition to providing places to rest or grab lunch, the “Mile” will offer several exciting activities in which conferees can participate. There will be two Lab Gauntlet challenge sections, Lab Ninja and Lab X-treme; a LEGO® Gravity Car Race; giant iTab; virtual reality gaming and adventure stations; and Relaxation Stations.

The 2017 Exposition Chairman Melinda Stephens commented, “We are excited this year to offer several dynamic new activities on the exposition floor. Our “Magnificent Mile” will engage all the senses and will be an experience that attendees won’t want to miss.” She added, “On behalf of the entire Organizing Committee, we extend a warm welcome to all of our returning exhibitors, as well as, first timers.

An up-to-date list of exhibitors and descriptions can be found at Exhibitor List.

For the second year, Live Demos will be conducted on the expo floor. These 20-minute interactive sessions will be presented by leading companies Monday through Thursday. A schedule can be found at pittcon.org

