PlasmidFactory – The Driving Force in Genetic Medical Sciences

28 Sept 2008
Student / Graduate

PlasmidFactory is relieving the scientist of the daily routine tasks. In its laboratories the company is producing plasmid-DNA meeting the individual requirements of the research scientist.

The result is a highly qualitative and secure material in a reproduceable quality. “It is just this guarantee, always to receive the same high-quality product, which is appreciated by our clients. This way reproduceable results can be assured in those critical experiments and studies.” explains Dr. Martin Schleef, CEO of PlasmidFactory. “This is a clear advantage compared to the ordinary kit-product.” he adds.

Besides contract manufacturing of plasmid-DNA, PlasmidFactory is also offering gene-synthesis and gene-optimisation. The so-called ‘In Stock Plasmids’ are complementing the product portfolio: these plasmids are always in stock and are usually shipped within 48 hours of order. Presently the following In Stock qualities are available: various reporter-gene vectors, pDG vectors for the AAV virus production and pEPI vectors with S/MAR elements.

PlasmidFactory’s research and development as well as its complete service branches are based in Germany. With various projects sponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) plus European research co-operations, Plasmid Factory is the driving force in the development of gene vectors. Respectively the company is working in close co-operation with many renowned institutions such as the German Cancer Research Institute (DKFZ) in Heidelberg, the University of Munich, the Charité Berlin and the Institute Pasteur to name just a few.

