Platform for sensitive and selective clinical analyses ..

11 Nov 2007
Kerry Parker

The Coulochem III electrochemical (EC) detector is an acknowledged standard for highly sensitive and selective HPLC diagnostic assays including Plasma-free Metanephrines, Urinary Metanephrines, Fractionated Urinary Catecholamines and simultaneous determination of Urinary VMA, 5HIAA and HVA

Available from ESA the Coulochem III offers quantifiable picogram to femtogram level sensitivity of oxidisable or reducible neurochemical, clinical, pharmaceutical and biological compounds even when part of complex matrices.

ESA is uniquely able to provide Clinical laboratories with fully validated system solutions comprising the CE marked CouloChem III system and a range of IVD-D compliant HPLC diagnostic kits. For each kit ESA is able to provide a complete audit trail as to how the kits are put together and provide full details of the constituent components. Each ESA kit contains all the components necessary for the respective sample preparation plus the standards and mobile phase for HPLC separation.

In combination with ESA's patented coulometric electrodes, the Coulochem III is the only EC detector to offer redox capability in a single cell. Unlike other HPLC-EC detectors, the Coulochem III incorporates DC and pulse/scan modes in discrete modules to provide leading edge performance. The Coulochem III supports the full range of conventional EC techniques including amperometry, screen, pulse and scan mode operation.

