Plexpress Launches Dedicated Canine ADME-Tox Service

28 May 2013
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

Plexpress, developer of the innovative TRAC platform for high-throughput gene expression analysis, has launched a specific ADME-Tox service for canine preclinical drug candidate screening, in collaboration with Admescope. The new TRACPACK DOG INDUCTION screening service provides canine cytochrome P450 (CYP) mRNA analysis using primary dog hepatocytes followed by CYP enzyme activity measurements. Hepatocytes from three separate donors are used, generating CYP mRNA expression and protein activity data produced in line with the FDA recommendations for human hepatocytes.

Reliable canine-specific CYP analysis is important in order to improve predictions for human pharmaceutical development (1). The validated Dog ADME-Tox mRNA panel from Plexpress includes all relevant CYP targets and reference genes, ready-to-analyze in a single well for high throughput multiplexing. Additional genes can also be included according to study needs.

The combination of high sample throughput with gene multiplexing increases assay speed while minimizing technical variation, making TRAC highly cost- and time-efficient, boosting efficiency in CRO and Pharma laboratories.

In addition to mRNA analysis, TRACKPACK DOG INDUCTION also offers subsequent CYP activity measurements thanks to Plexpress’ collaboration with Admescope. To investigate metabolites, study compounds are exposed for 72h, after which substrates for CYP-specific model reactions are added, and the samples analyzed.

TRACPACK DOG INDUCTION provides a single, integrated service for all canine CYP induction analysis, ensuring consistent and reliable data. All TRACPACK results are delivered electronically, in an easy-to-use, summarized report for quick and easy data analysis.

1. Martinez, M.N. et al, Challenges in exploring the cytochrome P450 system as a source of variation in canine drug pharmacokinetics. Drug Metab Rev. 2013 May;45(2):218-30

