Professional service offering for Agilent 1100 LC Systems is Great Value

21 Jun 2006
Kerry Parker

Routine maintenance of chromatography systems is essential to ensure consistent performance. Now you can save money maintaining your Agilent 1100 systems without sacrificing the service delivery. Anachem is a reputable, independent service provider with over thirty six years experience servicing and repairing LC systems throughout the UK and Europe. Anachem are offering a range of service level agreements to suit your requirements & budgets that are flexible. If your requirements differ from the off the shelf plans that are offered, we will develop a bespoke plan for you.

All maintenance, repair, service and validation is carried out by experienced Field Service engineers. Anachem states its reputation and guarantees all aspects of the work performed giving you total confidence in the service delivered. Anachem provide the same high level of service regardless of the number of systems that you have, we treat all of our customers fairly, providing expert servicing with single ‘One-Stop Shop’ contracts for new customers or those with existing agreements.

A range of service options are available with flexible response times to meet your needs and budget, consolidating maintenance contracts in this way is more convenient and saves money. Emergency response is rapid to minimize your down time. Over 70% of call outs are attended next working day. Work is carried out using Agilent spare parts and consumables to ensure the continued high performance of your equipment.

Anachem Independent Service Provision is covered by ISO9001 quality standards with full documentation of procedures, certification of training and competence. Anachem will make a full assessment of your Agilent 1100 equipment and customize the offering of support needs to suit your requirements. All service scheduling is organized through a single centralized resource, saving you time and aggravation. By issuing a single purchase order number you can cover all your service needs on an annual basis and easily budget future requirements. Single invoicing is provided to minimize administration throughout the supply chain.

Anachem is a leading distributor of scientific equipment to the laboratory community in the U.K. and Ireland with over thirty six years of technical expertise and innovation. Anachem is a reputable service provider and is a BSI/ISO accredited company delivering high quality service throughout the UK and Europe.
