Prominence High-Throughput HPLC Delivers Fast Separation and High Resolution

27 Jul 2006
Kerry Parker

Answering the demand for increased researcher efficiency, Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, one of the leading developers of analytical instrumentation in the U.S., makes high speed and high resolution simultaneously possible with the Prominence High-Throughput HPLC.

The first network-ready HPLC on the market, Shimadzu’s Prominence HPLC addresses the high-speed requirements by providing unique 2.2um packing material columns, the XR column series. These columns generate less than half the backpressure compared to other commercially available sub-2 micron columns, adding speed without sacrificing performance. Exceptional speed and performance is attained when used in concert with such standard Prominence components as the SPD-20A UV detector, which offers fast response and sampling rates, and the SIL-20A Autosampler, which delivers an ultra-fast 10 second injection cycle with virtually no carryover.

Additionally, the Prominence High-Throughput LC features stable and reliable operation at 85°C, making it ideal for elevated temperature LC. Utilizing these standard components, a 23-second cycle time was achieved with gradient separations of a seven-component mixture of alkylphenones with no overlapping injections.

“The goal of Fast LC is high throughput, meaning how many samples can be analyzed per day or per hour. In order to achieve high throughput, not only must the run time of a single analysis be shortened, but the total cycle time of the injection sequence and run time needs to be optimized. What point is there to a 30 second analysis time if the subsequent analysis requires 45 seconds to inject?,” notes Curtis R. Campbell, Ph.D., SSI’s HPLC Product Manager. “With the Prominence HPLC Series and XR columns, researchers can perform both conventional and high-throughput analysis at performance levels far surpassing others. A specialized instrument is not needed.”

Designed to provide high resolution and speed along with better and faster separation, Prominence HPLC answers the call for constant innovation.

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