PURELAB flex Wins the IBO 2010 Silver Award for Laboratory Equipment Industrial Design

20 Sept 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

ELGA Labwater announces the PURELAB flex has been awarded the Instrument Business Outlook (IBO) Silver Design Award. The winners were selected on their basis of their industrial design, aesthetics, functionality, shape and unity.

IBO give awards to new products they monitor through trade shows, trade publications and press releases. The winners of the 2010 IBO awards demonstrate how industrial design can improve a product’s performance as well as the customer experience.

Steve Bryant (Product Manager, ELGA LabWater) was delighted with the award, “we have really focused on what the user wants in the laboratory today and delivered a product to meet those needs with an innovative and ergonomic design”.

IBO is a 12-page, subscription based newsletter published twice monthly by Strategic Directions International Inc. (SDi), a management and marketing research firm. SDi is the world leading source of information on the market for analytical and life science instrumentation and equipment for laboratory and on-site applications.

