QBC F.A.S.T Stain Offers an Alternative to Giemsa Stains for Malaria Detection

6 Mar 2012
Sonia Nicholas
Managing Editor and Clinical Lead

Woodley Laboratory Diagnostics and QBC Europe have announced the availability of the new QBC F.A.S.T Malaria Stain, a fluorescent stain that revolutionises malaria detection with features that provide a fast, clear alternative to standard Giemsa stains.

Malaria parasites stained with F.A.S.T. Malaria Stain glow bright gold or orange against a dark background maximising contrast during review. The use of fluorescence microscopy improves clarity and contrast; and with minimal artefact staining, users are focused on parasites in the sample.

The F.A.S.T Malaria Stain is designed for use with a fluorescent microscope. For those without a suitable microscope, the QBC Paralens Advance LED Fluorescence microscope attachment is available with a 100x objective and can be attached to any standard light microscope.

The Malaria Stain is available in 120 mL, 250 mL, and 3.8 L bottles with each test requiring 0.5 mL of stain, thus the bottle sizes providing 240, 500, and 7,600 tests respectively. It contains no methanol, is not flammable, and has a shelf life of 1 year from the date on manufacture.

For further information on the QBC Malaria Diagnostic Kits and QBC ParaLens Advance, please follow the company website link below.

