QIAGEN Launches Streamlined Bioinformatics for RNA Sequencing of Liquid Biopsies

RNA-seq Explorer Solution generates clear insights for cancer ‘omics’ analyses

14 Apr 2016
Alex Waite
Editorial Assistant

QIAGEN has announced introduction of its unique RNA-seq Explorer Solution, a bioinformatics-driven approach to analysis and interpretation of “omics” data from liquid biopsy-based research.

RNA-seq Explorer Solution is a new tool which integrates Ingenuity® Pathway Analysis™, Biomedical Genomics Workbench® and other QIAGEN bioinformatics solutions to generate clear insights for research into improved detection, diagnosis and treatment of cancer. The solution will be demonstrated at the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting in New Orleans.

“The RNA-seq Explorer Solution provides the most powerful bioinformatics tool for the analysis and interpretation of RNA sequencing data from liquid biopsies, including from tumor-derived exosomes. Next-generation sequencing of liquid biopsies, one of the most promising new ways of detecting and characterizing cancer, demands the highest-accuracy tools to make sense of inherently noisy data,” said Dr. Laura Furmanski, Senior Vice President and head of QIAGEN’s Bioinformatics Business Area. “QIAGEN’s streamlined RNA solution transforms raw data from liquid biopsies into valuable insights – a significant milestone for liquid biopsy analysis of indications such as cancer. The best bioinformatics will drive progress in precision medicine and cancer management.”

Liquid biopsy is a non-invasive method using samples of body fluids such as blood to detect and profile diseases such as cancer at the earliest stage, resulting in more successful prognosis and treatment. One liquid biopsy approach extracts DNA or RNA from tumor-derived exosomes, tiny enclosures that circulate in body fluids. In an RNA-seq workflow, scientists analyze and interpret exosomal RNA to determine gene expression profiles, identifying regulatory networks and potential isoforms of biological significance.

RNA-seq Explorer Solution facilitates simple, accurate discovery and validation of biomarkers, enabling researchers to go from raw data in FASTQ format to significant insights that home in on the genetic drivers of cancer. The solution draws upon QIAGEN’s Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA), an all-in-one, web-based software application that enables analysis, integration and understanding of expression data. IPA is backed by the expert-curated Ingenuity Knowledge Base of highly structured, detail-rich biological and chemical findings. RNA-seq Explorer Solution also integrates QIAGEN’s Biomedical Genomics Workbench, a comprehensive data analysis platform that offers end-to-end workflows and tools for the alignment, normalization and statistical analysis of NGS experimental results.

In addition to demonstrating of the new RNA-seq solution at its booth at the AACR meeting, QIAGEN Bioinformatics recently released a four-part webinar series; the company will also have a sustained presence at the event. Click here for more details.

Leadership in liquid biopsies

RNA-seq Explorer Solution complements QIAGEN’s industry-leading liquid biopsy portfolio, which is spanning sample technologies, assay technologies and bioinformatics. It includes gold-standard solutions for the extraction of cell-free, circulating nucleic acids (cfDNA), circulating tumor cells (CTCs), and exosomes. In partnership with pharmaceutical companies, QIAGEN is developing and commercializing the broadest portfolio of companion diagnostics based on liquid biopsies, including the therascreen EGFR RGQ Plasma PCR kit, the first ever CE-IVD-marked blood-based test to guide treatment decisions for solid tumors.

