Quantachrome Announces New Water Sorption Analyzer

29 Oct 2009
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Quantachrome Instruments' new Aquadyne DVS gravimetric water sorption analyzer is now available. The Aquadyne DVS is a fully automated, dual microbalance system for measuring water vapor uptake on two samples simultaneously. Fully integrated temperature control and relative humidity generator, high resolution (0.1 micro-gram) and high load capacity (5g) give the Aquadyne DVS a unique blend of precision, throughput and versatility.

Quantachrome Instruments, a leading manufacturer and supplier of materials characterization instruments, announces a new dynamic water vapor sorption analyzer, the Aquadyne DVS. This dual microbalance analyzer uses the gravimetric principle of sorption measurement combined with dynamic humidity generation for precise measurements of sorption isotherms, sorption kinetics and temperature dependent sorption behavior.

Two samples measured simultaneously is the norm for this analyzer, but uniquely the robust electronic microbalances can be combined for a single sample weighing up to 8g, yet retain a remarkable 0.0000001g sensitivity. The Aquadyne DVS has been designed with high specifications and ease-of-use to be attractive to a number of industrial and academic applications including pharmaceuticals, foods, desiccants, building materials, fuel cells, carbons, archaeology, and materials science in general.

