Radio HPLC survey reveals move to liquid flow cells

7 Aug 2007

Information released by LabLogic Systems shows a rapidly growing preference for liquid rather solid flow cells amongst radio HPLC users working on drug metabolism studies.

The company's biennial survey of its international customer base – for the most part pharmaceutical companies and contract research organisations - revealed that 100% of respondents who use both types now favour liquid flow cells as their principal type, predominantly in 500 to 900μL sizes. The figure confirms an accelerating trend, compared with 71% in the 2003 survey and 81% in 2005.

The surveys are compiled by Richard Harrison of Aptuit, who presented his analysis of the latest data at LabLogic's 2007 User Group Meeting, where the flow cell statistics provoked further feedback from delegates.

Reasons given for the preference included the better resolution achievable by reducing the size of the flow cell; the greater sensitivity of the liquid type; and the scope it gives for increasing the proportion of scintillant.

LabLogic's Laura product manager Keith Hall commented: "Only time will tell whether the trend is permanent, but it is very clear in the data. It is most probably the result of a combination of factors including some that weren't suggested at the meeting, such as changes in working practices or the nature of the studies that companies are working on.

"Whatever users' preferences, LabLogic carries a complete range of both liquid and solid cells to satisfy requirements - and in cases where the choice isn't clear we can advise on the likely suitability of different options."

