Rainin LTS Pipette Swap Out – Free Pipettes from Anachem
26 Jun 2013Wouldn't it be great if you could just swap all of your old pipettes for the latest ergonomic pipetting technology available? Well, now you can with Anachem's New Rainin LTS Swap Out Programme.
Where's the catch? Well there just simply isn't one. By signing up to the Anachem LTS Swap Out Scheme you can benefit from the latest pipetting technology in the new Rainin Pipet-Lite XLS pipettes, fixed consumable costs for two years and no pipette servicing costs for the first year. This programme really will help you stretch your consumables budget and grants further whilst protecting everyone in the lab from the risk of developing Repetitive Strain Injuries.
It's simple to do. Just arrange a free Rainin LTS evaluation in your lab and discuss the opportunity of swapping your old pipettes for the most ergonomically advanced pipettes around. There are no hidden or extra costs; we simply replace your old pipettes with brand new Rainin Pipet-Lite XLS LTS pipettes.