Real-time 3D Analytical FIB-SEM Composite Instrument NX9000 Released

High precision 3D structural analysis realized with proprietary column configuration

2 Aug 2015
Lois Manton-O'Byrne, PhD
Executive Editor

Hitachi High-Technologies Corporation has announced the release of the real-time 3D analytical Focused Ion Beam (FIB) − Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) composite instrument, NX9000. The new instrument features improved 3D structural analysis precision and throughput.

Observation of surface properties using optical microscopes and SEMs is performed in a wide range of fields from advanced materials and semiconductor devices through to medicine and biology. However, in gaining a more accurate grasp of the true structure of a sample, analysis of its internal structure is becoming increasingly important. FIBs are therefore seeing wider application as an essential tool in cross-sectional SEM observation and Transmission Electron Microscope analysis, as they are able to prepare cross sections at specified positions as well as ultra-thin lamellas.

Meanwhile, there has also been significant interest recently in 3D structural analysis by FIB and SEM composite instruments. Automatic repetition of FIB cross section preparation and SEM observation provide a series of cross sectional images enabling 3D structural analysis of a specified microscopic section.

The newly developed NX9000 is the next product to be developed in collaboration between Hitachi High-Tech and its wholly owned subsidiary Hitachi High-Tech Science Corporation following the Focused Ion and Electron Beam System & Triple Beam System NX2000 that was launched in September 2014.

In the NX9000, the SEM column and FIB column are arranged orthogonally rather than the usual diagonal configuration. This configuration is optimal for 3D structural analysis. It avoids the issues that affected conventional FIB-SEM composite instruments, namely shrinking of cross-sectional SEM images and non-alignment of the visual field on recovery of an image series, enabling stable collection of images that faithfully represent the true structure of the sample. A high brightness cold field emission electron source and high sensitivity detection system, which have a well-established reputation among customers, provide high contrast, high resolution observation of a wide variety of samples, from biological tissue to magnetic samples such as steel. Moreover, combining Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometer and Electron Back Scatter Diffraction enable evaluation of the 3D distribution of elements and crystal orientation. These features have made possible high precision 3D structural analysis that had previously been difficult to achieve. The NX9000 will contribute to development of new materials and devices, and new understanding of biological functions.

Hitachi High-Tech will introduce the NX9000 at the commercial exhibition of Microscopy & Microanalysis 2015, to be held at the Oregon Convention Center in Portland, U.S.A, from Sunday, August 2 through Thursday, August 6, 2015.

