Recent Advances in LC Systems
15 Dec 2014
Discover recent advances in liquid chromatography systems, such as an affordable high resolution orbitrap mass spectrometer, a next generation chromatography (NGC) system, and an LC-MS software for small molecule analysis.
Bio-Rad’s Newest NGC™ Chromatography Systems Automate Workflow
New Thermo Scientific Orbitrap-Based Mass Spectrometer Makes High-Resolution Accurate-Mass Analysis Widely Accessible
Faster Pesticide Analysis with Positive/Negative Switching LC-MS/MS Demonstrated by Bruker
Agilent Technologies’ Next-Generation UHPLC System Sets New Benchmark in Laboratory Efficiency
Waters Launches Progenesis QI Version 2.0 LC-MS Software for Small Molecule Data Analysis
i-series of Integrated HPLC and UHPLC Systems from Shimadzu Offer Innovation, Intuition and Intelligence