Redefine the boundaries of Mass Spectrometry in your laboratory. Make groundbreaking discoveries possible.

10 May 2007

Prior to the start of ASMS, be sure not to miss the Mass Spectrometry Users’ Meeting on Saturday, June 2, 8:30 AM - 6:00 PM. At this MS Users’ Meeting you’ll explore the latest advancements, newest technology innovations and applications in mass spectrometry. Find out more about the latest technological breakthroughs, including the award-winning Synapt™ High Definition Mass Spectrometry™ (HDMS™) System. Register today via the article webpage to join fellow scientists, chemists and lab managers in discovering, learning and networking at this information packed single-day event.

While attending the 55th annual ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, June 3-7, 2007, Indiana Convention Center, Indianapolis, Indiana - see Waters Posters and Presentations and visit Waters Booth 95 to discover the latest technology innovations and system solutions for your laboratory and business:

  • MALDI Synapt™ HDMS™ and Synapt HDMS - Discover the biggest breakthrough in MALDI technology in over a decade, plus new breakthroughs for proteomics, pharmaceutical, and biopharmaceutical focused applications.
  • IdentityEHigh Definition Proteomics system - Redefines the concept of stringent protein identification by delivering more peptides, more proteins, more coverage, more repeatability, and more certainty.
  • High-performance GC/MS Systems – Advanced MS and informatics technologies to improve confidence and productivity.
  • UPLC®/MS – Expanding innovations for every laboratory with proven technology:
    - ACQUITY UPLC® FLR Detector: Unrivalled sensitivity and selectivity for fluorescence work.
    - ACQUITY™ TQ and SQ Detectors: Superior quantitative performance with a focus on ease of use with Empower™ 2 Software control.
    - ACQUITY UPLC high peak capacity inlet to third-party mass spectrometers: Seamless integration with Applied Biosystems/MDS SCIEX, Bruker Daltonics, and Thermo Fisher Scientific.
  • MassLynx™ Application Managers - Evolving capabilities for the rigorous demands of complex data set analysis:
    - MetaboLynx™: Unique structural elucidation capabilities enabling enhanced fragmentation information with Synapt HDMS to deliver the most advanced system for small molecule profiling.
    - MarkerLynx™: Powerful new Umetrics SIMCA-P data mining with a full suite of statistical tools, including partial least squares discriminate analysis (PLSDA) and orthogonal partial least squares (OPLS), for complex data sets in
    pharmaceutical, biotech, and chemical applications.
    - BiopharmaLynx™: Developed with biopharmaceutical thought leaders for confident characterization and optimized workflow, leveraging Waters’ leading protein informatics expertise.
  • ACQUITY UPLC Columns – The most technologically advanced LC columns ever created. Designed, tested, and guaranteed for use in applications up to 15000 psi (1000 bar). Unsurpassed efficiency, ruggedness, and throughput. Combine faster separations with higher resolution by harnessing the full potential of small particles.
  • MassPREP™ MS and LC/MS Consumables – Conveniently packaged, highly purified standards, matrices, calibrants, specialty plates, surfactant, and kits for the best possible results.
  • Sample Preparation Solutions – Obtain the cleanest extracts, eliminate matrix effects, and reduce ion suppression using Oasis® SPE Products.

During ASMS evenings, stop by and visit with Waters scientists and technical experts at Waters Hospitality Suite, Marriott Hotel, Ballroom 6, Monday, June 4 – Wednesday, June 6, 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM

