Restek to Present Special Seminar and New Ultra II™ Columns at HPLC 2010

13 Jun 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Visit Booth 215 to see Restek’s new Ultra II™ LC column line and get a free laser pen! Ultra II™ is the first column line specifically designed for universal application—optimal chromatography on any system. Only Ultra II™ columns are available in a comprehensive range of phases and particle sizes, creating truly scalable chromatography on any type of LC instrument.

Available Phases:
• C18
• C8
• Biphenyl
• PFP Propyl
• Aromax
• Aqueous C18
• Silica
• Carbamate
• Quat
• More phases coming soon!

Available Particle Sizes:
• 1.9μm for UHPLC
• 2.2μm for UFLC and RRLC
• 3μm and 5μm for HPLC

Special seminar:
Understanding Selectivity in Reversed Phase Chromatography--
A Simplified Look at Column Selection
This 1-hour presentation will take an in-depth look at the role of selectivity in reversed-phase liquid separations. The hydrophobic subtraction model will be discussed as it relates to developing a simplified process for column selection.

Thursday, June 24, 2010, 13:00-14:00
Location: Room 304

Poster presentations:
Monday, P-516-M
Simultaneous Determination of Opioid and NSAID Pain Management Drugs in Urine by HPLC-MS/MS (Ty Kahler, Restek Corporation)

Tuesday, P-2053-T
Multiple Column Evaluation for Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (Randy Romesberg, Restek Corporation)

Tuesday, P-823-T
Analysis of Veterinary Drug Residues using a Unique HPLC Biphenyl Stationary Phase (Ty Kahler, Restek Corporation)

Wednesday, P-618-W
Lifetime Enhancement of Silica HPLC Columns in Aqueous Environments for Hilic Separation (Charles V. Bartlett, Restek Corporation)

