Safe & reproducible elemental analysis sample preparation

28 Sept 2006

The Oxygen Flask Combustion Unit from Exeter Analytical (UK) Ltd. is a compact and affordable system for the preparation of organic samples prior to determination of sulphur, halogen, phosphorus, boron and trace metals content by ion chromatography or titration.

The Oxygen Flask Combustion Unit (OFCU-1) provides a safe and reproducible method of igniting samples using the well-proven Schöniger flask procedure. The Schöniger flask combustion method using the OFCU-1 is capable of being used for the determination of elemental composition from percentage levels to parts per million. The OFCU-1 is able to cope with a wide range of sample types and is very simple to set up and use.

Operating inside a chamber with safety interlocks the sample is remotely ignited by means of the focused infrared heat from two tungsten-halogen lamps simply by depressing the START switch. Other useful features on the OFCU-1 include its durable, corrosion resistant aluminium interior, the thick black acrylic observation window (to ensure ignition has taken place) and safety pressure vents to release excess reaction pressure.

With a European list price of below £3000 and minimal running expenses the cost of preparing samples using the Oxygen Flask Combustion Unit is low and return on investment rapid.

