Safe Removal of Highly Inflammable Solvent Vapours...

6 Jan 2009
Samantha Rosoman
Campaign Coordinator

Available from Genevac the EZ-2 personal evaporator with inert gas purge module is a proven fail-safe system for safely removing highly inflammable liquids that may form an explosive mixture with air.

The EZ-2 can safely remove most organic solvents without forming an explosive mixture of organic vapour and air. However to meet the requirements of the ATEX directives relating to safe removal of highly inflammable solvent vapours it is now mandatory to use an evaporator such as the EZ-2 with inert gas purge module.

To eliminate the risk of forming explosive organic vapour / air mixtures, the Inert Gas Purge option purges the air from the evaporator using an inert gas prior to commencing the evaporation process. It is at the beginning of the evaporation process where most risk of explosion exists. The inert gas purge unit is supplied with a key switch enabling the Laboratory Manager to lock the system thereby forcing all users to use the facility.

The inert gas purge option can also be useful where an inert atmosphere is required to help protect dry samples from moisture and/or oxygen exposure at the end of the evaporation process. The inert gas purge module controls gases entering the evaporator, therefore at the end of the evaporation process, instead of releasing the vacuum by letting air into the chamber, inert gas is introduced instead. The inert gas atmosphere is then maintained until the user opens the system to claim their dry samples

Genevac, an SP Industries company, was founded in 1990. Today the company employs around 85 people, with manufacturing, R&D and marketing headquartered in Ipswich, UK. Genevac today offers a comprehensive portfolio of evaporators to suit almost any solvent removal application, purchasing budget or productivity requirement.

