Sage-N Research to Showcase Comprehensive Platform for High Throughput Proteomics at ASMS 2010

17 May 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Sage-N Research will be highlighting its complete Sorcerer proteomics platform. The platform enables researchers to characterize and identify proteins in complex disease states, and can be customized to offer a solution for proteomics research into diseases like cancer and stem cell research.

Sage-N Research has combined its industry-leading proteomics technologies into the Sorcerer Platform. Comprising the recently unveiled SEQUEST 3G search engine that was developed in partnership with Professor John R. Yates III of the Scripps Research Institute, the new Sorcerer Enterprise 4.0 software, and a range of additional proprietary post-processing tools such as ETD, ASCORE, MUSE and CENSUS, all these technologies enable the most accurate and sensitive identification and characterization of low abundance phospho-proteins and post-translational modifications (PTMs) important to cancer and stem cell research. The platform also includes high-level server based solutions for storage and back-up of the complex data-sets that are generated from the instruments that are used in high-throughput proteomics.

Professor Ruedi Aebersold of the Federal Institute of Technology Zurich and advisor to Sage-N Research commented “I have seen Sage-N Research grow and evolve from a proteomic search engine company to a company that now offers a comprehensive platform with a range of tools and technologies that will play an important role in disease and systems biology research”.

David Chiang, CEO Sage-N. "For over five years, our Sorcerer clients have enjoyed super-fast speeds for searching their mass spectral data. Today, our products and services have evolved into a full-service data analysis and storage platform for cancer and stem cell drug discovery. We have evolved into the equivalent of the 'iPhone' of translational proteomics, which is powerful, easy-to-use and incorporates many 3rd party applications for advanced protein-based research."

In addition, Sage-N will be co-presenting a poster at ASMS 2010 with Stanford University, CA, on Tuesday May 25, titled “In Depth Analysis on the Utility of Combined CID and HCD Fragmentation Spectra Pre-Proteomic Processing”. Detailing how merged CID/HCD database search files increase the statistical confidence in peptide identification and rescue threshold scoring peptides, the poster will form part of Session: TP01, Bioinformatics II Poster Number: 022, in the Poster Hall.

Visit booth 81 for more information.

