Save Power with a New High Performance FID Gas Chromatograph

27 Sept 2011
Roger Wayman
Administrator / Office Personnel

Shimadzu has designed the compact, eco-friendly GC-2025 with energy efficiency in mind. The new small footprint gas chromatograph features a more compact column oven. Improved thermal insulation materials inside the oven minimize the heat capacity and heat loss to reduce electricity costs and offer environmentally friendly benefits.

This new single channel capillary FID gas chromatograph is capable of achieving high performance analysis while making energy savings of approximately 30 percent compared to previous Shimadzu instruments. The energy-saving GC-2025 completes analyses in 25 percent of the time of conventional capillary GCs.

The robust and reliable GC-2025 is ideal for use by chemicals producers looking to run routine QC analysis of chemicals such as perfumes, edible oils, mineral oils, gasoline and diesel. The instrument, which can also be used in teaching laboratories and green technology labs, incorporates technologies from the Shimadzu GC-2010 Plus capillary gas chromatograph to offer energy efficient, accurate and sensitive analysis.

The GC-2025 incorporates a digital flow controller that controls both the carrier and detector gases and a newly designed energy-saving column oven that features small volume and less heating loss, realizing an improvement in operability. In addition to instrument status, power consumption readings can be displayed on the instrument’s main screen. The power consumption meter can be checked at a glance, helping to increase awareness of energy savings and ecology in the laboratory.

The GC-2025's carrier gas saver function allows the helium carrier gas emitted from the system to be minimized by reducing the split ratio in the analysis. In a split/splitless sample injection method, this function can save valuable carrier gas and reduce operating costs.

“A useful design feature of the GC-2025 is that the instrument automatically switches to low energy standby mode very much like a screensaver program reduces a PC’s power consumption,” explained Shimadzu UK’s GC/GCMS Business Manager, Alan Northage. “This gas chromatograph is the most energy efficient in its class. The instrument saves both electricity and helium. An expensive resource, helium’s use as carrier gas should be minimized”.

