Science and Spectroscopy Solutions From Andor Technology Provide Major Public Health Benefits

6 Aug 2008

Today Andor Technology plc (Andor), a world leader in scientific imaging and spectroscopy solutions, announced that its high performance spectroscopes and cameras have contributed to innovative advancements in science over the past year.

Since last summer, a team of research scientists has been able to demonstrate the ability to detect and identify the chemical composition of calcified material within a previously thought impossible depth of 16 mm thick animal tissue, using an Andor camera transmission and Raman spectroscopy. This technique may ultimately be used in conjunction with the existing mammography or ultrasound techniques to enhance the diagnostic potential of human cancer.

Another team of researchers devised a non-invasive method of analysis to detect counterfeit medication, without having to open the packaging that could lead to the protection of unsuspecting populations. Then another group of scientists was able to validate a novel methodology using anti-bodies spectral response to help medical professionals provide a diagnosis for auto-immune diseases, such as sclerosis conditions.

Antoine Varagnat, Market Development Manager within Andor Technology, said ‘This impressive list of achievements by the scientific community is an endorsement to the efforts we have put into developing a range of spectroscopy solutions that match the needs of scientists, and that the functionalities we have introduced are enabling them to push the boundaries of their work into exciting areas of research’.

