See ACD/Labs Collection of MS Software Tools at ASMS 2010

17 May 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Attend a free software symposium to learn more about applications for MS software in forensic sciences, environmental monitoring, metabolism studies, flavors and fragrances, and more. ACD/Labs’ Mass Spectrometry product line enables users to carry out a variety of advanced processing and interpretation functions such as targeted and non-targeted screening, resolution of mixtures, and identification of unknown compounds using spectral matching.

Don’t miss ACD/Labs’ free Software Symposium at ASMS

Sunday May 23, 2010 from 2:00 to 4:30pm.
Location: Hotel Monaco, Paris B, 15 West 200 South, Salt Lake City
Register soon by following the Company page article link top right of this page, as space is limited.

Visit ACD/Labs at our booth # 52 to learn more about these applications:

Find the compounds you know about before looking for anything else. Monitor samples analyzed by LC/MS and GC/MS for known compounds, and be alerted if they are present or not—even at trace levels, or co-eluting with other compounds.

Identify all chromatographic components within full-scan LC/MS data. Components, not peaks, are extracted from the dataset, followed by assignment of the protonated or deprotonated molecule, adducts, multimers, neutral losses, and fragment ions for each component. Powerful filters, including a mass defect filter, and a selected isotope pattern filter, help you quickly cut through the noise, and focus in on the components of interest. With accurate mass data, automatic determination of the empirical formula for each component is possible.

Identify compounds in full scan GC/MS sample data quickly and accurately using Intelligent Compound Recognition with ACD/IXCR. ACD/IXCR uses component detection algorithms (CODA) to reduce noise and background signals helping to ensure that even low concentration analytes are retained. Processed sample data is searched against the NIST database for similar spectral patterns, and the results are summarized in a clear and concise report. Intelligent Compound Recognition makes the identification process faster and easier by processing batches of samples, or in automated mode for even greater efficiency.

