SelectScience Cancer Research Summit 2023 – Taking place today!

Learn about the latest developments in cancer research with fellow scientists, manufacturers, and regulatory experts

14 Nov 2023
Cameron Smith-Craig
Cameron Smith-Craig
Pharma and Applied Sciences Editor

Explore the full exciting schedule for the SelectScience Cancer Research Summit 2023, taking place today.

Covering hot topics such as translational research, predictive molecular pathology, artificial intelligence, liquid biopsy, organoids, cancer screening strategies, proteomic profiling, chemotherapy, prognostic cancer biomarkers, immunology, spatial biology, and much more, this free-to-attend online event offers an interactive forum for scientists and manufacturers to connect, showcase research, and share technology solutions.

The Summit will host talks by world-leading scientists, offering live Q&As, video interviews, interactive resource booths, and unique networking opportunities. Attendees will also be able to view academic posters submitted by our global scientific community, leave comments, ask questions, and prompt collaboration through 1-on-1 chat facilities.

Register for free today


Tuesday, November 14

Times in bold are shown as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).


Opening address & Poster session

 12:15 (CET) 
06:15 (EST)
03:15 (PST)

Harnessing the power of tumor organoids: Next-gen drug screening with live-cell imaging
Dr. Christophe Deben, Assistant Experimental Oncology, Centre for Oncological Research, University of Antwerp
 13:00 (CET) 
07:00 (EST)
04:00 (PST)

Precision oncology in practice: The path to clinical utility
Dr. Ofer Sharon, CEO, OncoHost
 13:45 (CET) 
07:45 (EST)
04:45 (PST)

ADME: The building block to successful drug discovery
Samer Sansil, Scientist, Moffitt Cancer Centre
 14:30 (CET) 
08:30 (EST)
05:30 (PST)

Analytical considerations for cfDNA biomarker analysis powered by NGS
Krishna Amin, Senior Global Product Manager, Targeted & Enterprise Genomics & Dr. Leif Schauser, Director, Product Management, Genome Analysis, QIAGEN
 15:15 (CET) 
09:15 (EST)
06:15 (PST)

Focus on the key players: Surveying the proteome with high-density antibody panels
Dr. Valerie Sloane Jones, Director, Marketing and Technical Support, RayBiotech, Inc.
 16:00 (CET) 
10:00 (EST)
07:00 (PST)

Molecular changes in dense breast tissue
Prof. Noelle Cutter, Associate Professor, Molloy College
 16:45 (CET) 
10:45 (EST)
07:45 (PST)

Advancing precision oncology with a portfolio of tumor genomic profiling solutions
Akanksha Khare, Senior Scientist, R&D, Agilent Technologies
 17:30 (CET) 
11:30 (EST)
08:30 (PST)

Solutions for culturing, maintaining and characterizing induced pluripotent stem cells
Dr. Daryl Cole, Scientist, Sartorius

 18:15 (CET) 
12:15 (EST)
09:15 (PST)

Breakthrough research advances early detection in colorectal cancer
Guido Baechler, CEO, Mainz Biomed

Guido Baechler

 19:00 (CET) 
13:00 (EST)
10:00 (PST)

Harnessing the power of ddPCR to advance precision oncology
Dr. Trevor Pitcher, Sr. Director, Medical Affairs (Publications and Medical Information), Biodesix, Inc

Dr. Trevor Pitcher, Sr. Director, Medical Affairs (Publications and Medical Information), Biodesix, Inc

 19:45 (CET) 
13:45 (EST)
10:45 (PST)

Advantages of new AI-based stain-free cell analysis for cancer research

