Seven Forensic Toxicology Application Notes that will Improve your Analysis

11 Dec 2014
Lois Manton-O'Byrne, PhD
Executive Editor

Screening for Classical and Novel Drugs in Pooled Urine Using UPLC-Tof-MSE - Waters
This study presents the results of screening using a method based on UPLC /Tof-MSE. Accurate mass measurement allows the prediction of elemental composition, which is particularly beneficial when dealing with situations involving potential emerging drugs and analogs.

SUPELCO® Application Compendium: Forensic Applications - Sigma-Aldrich
This application compendium presents a series of technical articles covering forensic, clinical and bioanalytical applications. Topics include SPME of VOCs in Breath, Analysis of Vitamin D Metabolite Critical Pairs in Serum, Chiral LC-MS of Methamphetamine, and more.

Proven Approaches for Today’s Forensic/Toxicology Challenges - Agilent Technologies
In this interactive compendium, you’ll find current and emerging applications using LC-MS that will help you to maintain best practices, keep your workflow running smoothly, and meet the stringent chain of custody protocols.

Interlaboratory Tests Demonstrate the Robustness and Transferability of the Toxtyper™ Workflow - Bruker
This application note describes a robust and automated research-based screening solution using the Toxtyper™ for the detection and identification of drugs and drugs of abuse in biological specimens.

Drug Analysis in Hair - Bertin Technologies
This application note describes an HPLC MS/MS method that is designed to quickly establish the toxicological profile of a patient. The Precellys®24 is successfully evaluated on hair grinding, which is considered a difficult and challenging sample.

Modern and Efficient SPE Products for Environmental and Basic Drug Applications: SiliaPrep™ CleanENVI and SiliaPrep™ CleanDRUG - Silicycle Inc.
This poster presents applications using the SiliaPrep CleanDRUG for the analysis of Sibutramine, Ropinirole and Amitriptyline in a human plasma matrix using LC-MS/MS technology.

Quantitative LC-MS Screening for Illicit Drugs Using Ultrahigh Resolution Mass Analysis and Accurate Mass Confirmation - Thermo Scientific
The goal of this application note is to evaluate a simple LC-MS method using a bench-top ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometer to quantitatively screen for 46 illicit drugs of abuse in urine, with minimal sample preparation.

