Shimadzu Announces New GCMS-QP2010 SE

1 Jun 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Shimadzu introduces the new GCMS-QP2010 SE, completing the new quadrupole series together with the GCMSQP2010 Ultra. A variation of the Ultra model, the SE version focusses on high productivity features with an exceptionally good price/performance ratio. This makes it an ideal tool for routine analysis in laboratories covering different application areas e.g. environmental analysis or quality control.

Various options for different applications
A multitude of accessories supports the flexible use of the GCMSQP2010 SE. These either extend the variety of applications or help to streamline processes in order to save time:
• The optional Direct Inlet allows analysis of compounds with lower volatility
• For analysis of compounds of even higher molecular mass (e.g. polymers, paints, woods and resins) an optional pyrolyzer system is available (Py-2020, Frontier lab).
• The TD-20 thermal desorption system specializes in working with very volatile compounds, e.g. for air monitoring
• The AOC-20 autosampler enables programming of a two-step derivatization method eliminating the need for a tedious derivatization process in the lab, e.g. for clinical applications.
• The temperature programmable Optic 3 injector (Atas GL) with its rapid heating characteristic is the choice for applications in flavor and fragrance analysis.
• Using a “double jet cooling system” the GC-2010 Plus oven in the GCMS-QP2010 SE is cooled down rapidly, e.g. in 2.7 minutes from 350 °C to 50 °C. This significantly reduces
analysis time, particularly in applications analyzing VOCs (volatile organic compounds).
• The Shimadzu Easy sTop Quick changer system even changes septum and liner without breaking the vacuum, thereby saving valuable time.
